Students! Join us during National School Breakfast Week! MONDAY. Is also 3rd Grade WYTOPP WRITING TEST! Let's SHINE!!
3 months ago, Scott R. Schiller
National School Breakfast Week!
At Southside our mission is to celebrate student success. Congrats to these students for earning awards for January!
3 months ago, Scott R. Schiller
K-2 Academic Achievement Winners
K-2 Effort Award Winners
3-5 Effort Award Winners
3-5 Academic Award Winners
Congratulations to Mr. Schiller! National Distinguished Principal of the Year!! Read all about it in the Powell Tribune!,114458?
4 months ago, Heidi Dicks
Mr. Schiller receiving special award!
Making some edible Bark! Yum!
4 months ago, Scott R. Schiller
making bark!
Commitment award winners! Popcorn with the Principal. One 5th grade student shared a great quote: "Commit or quit, but if you're going to commit you can't quit!"
4 months ago, Scott R. Schiller
Weekly Commitment Winners!
Happy National Popcorn Day!!
4 months ago, Scott R. Schiller
Happy National Popcorn Day!
Southside Sunshine Committee Delivers!
Coach Wiz is hiding from us but he's delivering some popcorn and a song!
4th grade simulating sound waves
4 months ago, Scott R. Schiller
4th grade simulating sound waves
Southside's annual sing along with all student gathered together in the gym!
5 months ago, Heidi Dicks
Southside Christmas Sing Along 2023
Kindergarten is excited to practice on the big stage for the upcoming Christmas program!
5 months ago, Heidi Dicks
Kindergarten practicing their Christmas program!