This freezing February brings a group of unique Students of the Month. They have been recognized by their core and electives teachers for their work ethic, attitude, and superior citizenship. These students receive a certificate, NWC swag, and gift cards to Fizzy Pop Haven, Subway, and McDonald's. Way to be excellent, Cubs!
5 days ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A group of students holding certificates
This month's informational spotlight is social media etiquette. Our counselors at PMS care about how our students and their families interact and stay safe online
5 days ago, Powell Middle School Staff
Various tips on social media manners
Our MATHCOUNTS team zipped across town to Northwest College for their Chapter Contest yesterday! And wouldn't you know it!!! Our team was victorious for the 15th year in a row! Several of these fine students will travel to Laramie to the University of Wyoming in March to compete in the State Competition. Way to make all your hard work add up, Cubs!!
6 days ago, Powell Middle School Staff
These photos contain the members of the PMS Mathcounts team and feature the four top winners.
Rounding out a long month, are a spectacular group of Cubs! We had two rows of the Principals Paws-ative Board full this week. These students are celebrated by various teachers and staff for going the extra mile and being super students. Way to soar, Cubs!
11 days ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A group of students a two administrators posing for a photo of the principals pawsative 100 winners.
Our Principals Paws-ative 100 winner this week were a stellar group! Students putting forth remarkable effort, helping their peers, and living above the line are the stuff of these winners. Way to shine bright, Cubs!
17 days ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A group of students who won the Principals Paws-ative 100 bingo board this week.
On December 20th, right before Christmas break, we had our final group of Principals Paws-ative 100 winners for 2024. This bunch was festively dress for the holiday, while we celebrated their excellence and work ethic. Way to be fantastic, Cubs!
about 1 month ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A group of students and staff standing in front of an orange garage door
Every year Powell Middle School recognizes our adventurous Wyoming students and staff who hunt or fish. Folks are encouraged to bring in photos of their catch and then they're displayed on our Eastman's Braggin' Board in the hallway. This year we had a total of 50 participating students participating and 8 staff members, although staff do not participating in the recognition or drawing for awards. Eastman’s Hunting Journal donated is our sponsor for this opportunity. Each participant received a brand new Outdoor Edge Knife. EHJ also donated the following grand prizes: - Leopold Sunglasses - Stone Glacier Binocular Harness - Exclusive OnX Membership - Two Sportsman’s Warehouse gift cards - Three blaze orange official Eastman’s caps We are so very thankful to Eastman's Hunting Journal for helping us celebrate and honor the many outdoors-people in our school, who ethically hunt, fish, and create memories with family & friends in wonderful Wyoming!
about 1 month ago, Powell Middle School Staff
There is a photo of a group of students in a lunch room.  Another photo includes a group shot of 50 students on large stairs.  A third photo contains a line of students with prizes in front of a large bulletin board.
This week our 8th grade ELA did a read aloud of "John, Paul, George, and Tom" by Lane Smith to introduce the importance of research. Featured are some photos of Mrs. Lange's and Mrs. Purdum's classes joined together for the fun!
about 1 month ago, Powell Middle School Staff
The photos show groups of students sitting on the floor in a classroom being read to for ELA classes
A New Year and a new group of outstanding students. This group of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students is being recognized by their core class teachers and their electives teachers for their excellent student attributes. Each student received a certificate and gift certificates donated by area businesses. This month McDonald's, Subway, and Fizzy Pop Haven each donated a gift certificate for each of our students. Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A group of middle school students who were chosen as January's students of the month
We are adding to the festive spirit here at Powell Middle School and celebrating our latest Principals Pawsa-tive 100 winners in the Row of 2's! An excellent crop of kiddos who were recognized by their teachers or paras for their exceptional work, citizenship, or character. Way to be awesome, Cubs!
2 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A group of students who are the Principals Pawsative 100 winners in the row of 2
Today we celebrate the Students of the Month for December! This wonderful group of students was nominated for this award by their core class teachers and elective teachers. A big thank you to our local Subway & Fizzy Pop Haven who donated gift cards to our deserving Cubs!
2 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
Five students who were chosen as Student of the Month for December.
Our Guidance Counselors, Mrs. Wenke & Mrs. Fitzgerald share some helpful safeguards with the gifting of technology this Christmas. Please copy and paste this URL to your browser to access the companion video to the graphic:
2 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A list of Gifting Technology safeguards for families giving and receiving gifts of technology..
November has arrived and with it another fantastic group of Students of the Month. These six students were chosen by their core and elective teachers for their outstanding qualities. We also want to give a shout out to Northwest College for the donation of NWC hats and shirts for our Cubs of the Month. We appreciate you helping us acknowledge our students' excellence!
3 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
The six November Students of the Month for Powell Middle School
Our middle school Junior Building Leadership Team sponsored an Anti-bullying Poster Contest. All of the submissions were excellent! The top three posters all chose the theme of "It Is Ok To Be Different". Way to speak for kindness, Cubs!
3 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
The Jr. BLT Antibullying poster contest top three winning submissions.
A photo of the three student holding the posters they created. (Please copy & past the address above into a web browser to see this month's video) November: Social Media Literacy Social media can be a great way to connect with friends and learn new things. However, it also comes with challenges, like misinformation and privacy concerns. Fostering social media literacy with your student can help them develop the skills they need to use these platforms safely and responsibly. Encourage your child to think critically about what they see online. Not everything shared on social media is accurate, and some content can be misleading or harmful. Teach them to ask questions: “Is this source reliable? Could this be fake or exaggerated?” Developing this habit early can help them make better decisions in the digital world. It's also important to discuss online behavior: Self Awareness: How your emotions impact your behavior. Social Awareness: The value of empathy and respectful communication. Self Management: Set healthy boundaries. Take control of your thoughts, emotions and actions, and pause before posting impulsively. Relationship Skills: Social media is a hub for communication, so practice active listening and respectful interaction. Responsible Decision Making: Privacy settings are essential but not foolproof. What is posted online can have long-lasting effects. For quick, parent-friendly information on popular apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, visit ConnectSafely’s Quick Guides to Social Apps.
3 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
Powell Middle School Digital Wellness logo
QR code to access Digital Wellness apps
Why not enjoy this Fall day and celebrate a fantastic group of Principals Paws-ative 100 winners? Our students at Powell Middle School are second to none!!
4 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A group of students standing in a school who won the Principals Paws-ative 100 board.
What a wonderful way to end to our Homecoming week than by celebrating a fabulous group of students with the Principals Paws-ative 100! Way to be excellent, Cubs!
4 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A group of students who won the Principals Paws-ative 100 winners for October4.
Powell Middle School is implementing a new way to celebrate our students of excellence by celebrating Students of the Month. All of the core teachers from each grade level nominate a student and our electives teachers nominate a student from each grade level and students receive a certificate with an explanation of why they got the award. Way to go above & beyond, Cubs!
4 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
A group of six students who won the honor of Cubs of the Month for October
🌟Homecoming is NEXT WEEK!!!🌟 And to celebrate Homecoming Week, Jr. BLT Club is sponsoring five dress up days for your enjoyment. Monday is BEACH DAY! Come dressed in your shorts, Hawaiian shirts, and flip flops. Imagine a hot summer day at the beach with sand between your toes. Tuesday is OUTFIT SWAP DAY! Teachers and students will trade dress styles for the day. Teachers come dressed as your students and students, come dressed as your teachers! Wednesday is COUCH POTATO DAY! Do you ever have lazy days spent vegging like a couch potato? Comfy, sweats is the order of the day. Thursday is DECADES DAY! On this day, 6th grade will dress in 60's groovy attire, 7th grade will dress will be far out, the 8th grade will wear awesome 80's clothes, and the staff will get their totally tubular 90's attire out for the day! Friday is ORANGE & BLACK DAY! Come dressed in your best Cubs or Panther gear! Orange and black, orange and black, ORRANNNGE & BLACK!! And to top it all off, each day is a competition within each grade level & as a school! The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade class with the most dress up percentage-wise participation all week long will win class treats! AND THE OVERALL CLASS, FROM ALL GRADES, WITH THE MOST PEOPLE DRESSING UP WILL WIN THE TROPHY FOR 2024!!!! PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL DRESS UP DAYS WILL FOLLOW OUR DRESS CODE OUTLINED IN OUR HANDBOOK.  ADDITIONALLY, THERE IS TO BE NO FACE PAINTING OR HATS ON ANY OF THE DAYS.
5 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
an advertisement for homecoming dress up days
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is picture day at Powell Middle School.
5 months ago, Powell Middle School Staff
School picture day is tomorrow. Order photos with webcode: PowellMS1Fall24.
Ordering instructions and package options