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Board of Trustees
The Park County School District #1 Board of Trustees includes seven elected members, each serving a four-year term. Board members volunteer their time to oversee the management of the district’s schools including use of public funds, curriculum, employment, and facilities, as well as serving as the policy-making body within the district. Every action and decision of the board is carefully evaluated to serve the best interests of our students and community.
Meet Our Board
Mr. Kim Dillivan
Mr. Trace Paul
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Mrs. Lillian Brazelton
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Mrs. Tracy Morris
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Mr. Beau Fulton
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Mr. Dusty Paul
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Mr. Ben Borcher
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Public Board Meetings
Date: Second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Board room of the School Administration Building at 160 North Evarts, Powell, Wyoming
Upcoming Meeting Agenda
Be sure to visit our electronic school board site to view upcoming agendas. To access an agenda, click on the meeting date within the calendar.
Current and Past School Year Minutes
We post the official minutes of each regular or special meeting of the board, including a record of all official acts and of all warrants issued, below for your convenience. Our archives are also available for inspection when you visit our district office.