Contact Us

We welcome parents and guests to visit our schools. For the safety of our students and staff, we require all visitors to report to the main office. That way, we know who is on each campus. Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe.

PCSD1 Administration Building
160 North Evarts Street
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6186
Fax: (307) 764-6156

Powell High School
1151 East 7th Street
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6181
Fax: (307) 764-6151

Shoshone Learning Center
140 North Ferris Street
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6187
Fax: (307) 764-6157

Powell Middle School
369 East 3rd Street
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6185
Fax: (307) 764-6155

Clark Elementary School
363 Road 1AB
Clark, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 645-3241
Fax: (307) 645-3340

Parkside Elementary School
125 S. Douglas
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6182
Fax: (307) 764-6152

Southside Elementary School
278 E. Monroe Street
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6183
Fax: (307) 764-6153

Westside Elementary School
555 Grand Street
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6184
Fax: (307) 764-6154

Special Services Cottage
328 East 3rd Street
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6190
Fax: (307) 764-6149

Support Services Building
245 North Evarts Street
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6180
Fax: (307) 764-6150

PCSD1 Transportation Facility
799 Lane 9 ½ Rt. 2
Powell, Wyoming 82435
Phone: (307) 764-6189
Fax: (307) 764-6178


Please feel to email us with any questions you may have.
