Whether you are new to our area or your child is just beginning his/her educational journey, we welcome you to Park County School District #1. If you have questions, please call our Central Administration Office at (307) 764-6186.
Registration Process
Children enrolling in kindergarten must reach their fifth birthday on or before August 1.
To speed up the registration process, you may print and complete the enrollment forms before arriving at the school office.
New Student Information
New elementary enrollments for 2024–2025:
We will take new elementary enrollments after August 1, 2024. If you are in the boundaries of a particular elementary school, please go to that school to start the enrollment process. If you’re in a rural/shuttle zone, we determine school attendance by enrollment numbers in the grade level of your student(s). Please call the Central Administration Office to complete a placement request.
New middle school enrollments for 2024–2025:
Please call Powell Middle School and make an appointment after August 8, 2024, at (307) 764-6185.
New high school enrollments for 2024–2025:
Please call Powell High School and make an appointment on or after August 11, 2024, at (307) 764-6181.
Required Documentation
Please provide the following documentation when you arrive to register your child for school:
Completed enrollment forms
Proof of name and date of birth (birth certificate or passport)
Immunization records
Legal documentation of custody or guardianship paperwork
Proof that physical address is within district boundaries
Non-Resident Students
A family not living within the boundaries of Park County School District #1 will need to go through a process to enroll in one of our schools. If your student is a new enrollment, you will need to complete the application for a new non-resident student (one per a student). If your student has been receiving their education from PCSD #1 in the previous school year, you will need to complete the application for current non-resident student. Please complete the appropriate form and return by email to Joyce Ruward or at the Central Administration Office located at 160 North Evarts Street.
Applications for Non-Resident Students:
We require all students to provide proof of immunization in accordance with Wyoming state requirements. Pursuant to state mandates, we shall not retain a child in our facility for more than thirty (30) calendar days without proof of immunization that is in accordance with the schedule published by the state health officer or an approved exemption to the mandatory immunizations.
Please contact the Nurse’s Office with any questions regarding immunizations.