2/7/25. 12:30pm All bus routes will run as normal this afternoon EXCEPT for our students on the Heart Mountain, and Clark Routes. Due to drifting snow, we are unable to complete those routes in full. For students on the Clark Route bus, we will rendezvous at Clark School at 1:40. Please make arrangements to pick up your students there. For students on the Heart Mountain Route, please rendezvous at the County Road and Bridge Shop building at 1436 Lane 9 at 1:20 to pick up your students. If you have any questions, please call the front office of your child's school.
3 days ago, PCSD #1
Good morning students, staff and parents. There will be no school today the 3rd of February, due to dangerous weather and travel conditions. Given the snow, wind, limited visibility, and dangerous wind chills, we will be closing all schools in the district for today. Stay safe and warm today, and we will see you all tomorrow. Superintendent Jay Curtis
8 days ago, PCSD #1
Austin Sears, a sophomore percussionist, was recognized at the December Board of Trustees meeting for his recent accomplishments. Austin was selected for the 2024 North Big Horn Basin Honor Band at NWC. He was also selected for the 2025 All-Northwest Band in Spokane, Washington, the 2025 WY All-State Band, and the 2025 WY All-State Jazz Band. He is pictured with the Board of Trustees and Mr. John Fabela.
about 2 months ago, PCSD #1
Austin Sears and board of trustees
The PHS student newspaper, The Prowl, placed 1st in the 3A/4A Newspaper category at the State Journalism Conference. This is the 3rd consecutive title for the publication. Staff members include: Caitlin Belmont, Danica Bobick, Ethan Cartier, Sophie Czirr, Riley Douglas, Ryah Easum, Alyssa "Rue" Godsey, Brenna Henderson, Ashlee Jacobson, Nalani Jordan, Melissa Merritt, Katie Morrison, Kyra Morrow, Curtis Muecke, Taylor Peters, Maddison Rodriguez, Toby Sessions, Thomas Shuman, Ben Smith, Brighton Streeter, Mitchel Wainscott and Kate Williams. Nalani Jordan also earned 1st place honors in the 3A/4A photography division. Members of The Prowl and their Advisor, Amy Moore, were recognized by the Board of Trustees at the December 10, 2024, meeting.
about 2 months ago, PCSD #1
Members of PHS Prowl receiving certificates.
Kinley Cooley was recognized by the Board of Trustees at their December 10, 2024 meeting. Kinley, a senior, placed 1st in 3A at the Wyoming State Cross Country Championships on October 26. She completed the race with a time of 19:08.2. She is atop the PHS Leader Board and is the first PHS Female Cross Country State Champion. Her coaches, Ashley Hildebrand and Tracy McArthur, were also in attendance and pictured with Kinley, the Board of Trustees and Superintendent Curtis.
about 2 months ago, PCSD #1
Kinley Cooley with the Board of Trustees and coaches
Here is the agenda for the PCSD#1 Board of Trustees meeting that will be held on Tuesday evening, for a more detailed agenda see https://park1public.ic-board.com/
2 months ago, PCSD #1
Meeting agenda
board agenda pg 2
At the Monday, November 25, 2024, Board of Trustees meeting, Chairman Kim Dillivan recognized outgoing Trustee Laura Riley. He thanked her for her service and for always asking thoughtful questions. Other members echoed their appreciation of her preparation and wished her well. Riley was elected to the Board of Trustees in 2020 and served one term. Thank you for your commitment to our District!
3 months ago, PCSD #1
Laura Riley and Chairman Kim Dillivan
Reminder that the meeting of the Board of Trustees of Park County School District #1 will be held on Monday, November 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. instead of Tuesday, November 26, 2024.
3 months ago, PCSD #1
meeting date change
Now accepting applications for a part-time para-educator at Parkside Elementary School. Please see our website for the full announcement and to apply. https://www.applitrack.com/park1/onlineapp/
4 months ago, PCSD #1
Now Hiring for PS Elementary Para-educator.  Visit pcsd1.org for full details and to apply
Now accepting applications for a full-time special education para-educator at Powell High School. Please see our website for the full announcement and to apply. https://www.applitrack.com/park1/onlineapp/
4 months ago, PCSD #1
hire para
Today is National Custodian Appreciation Day! A special thanks to our custodial staff who work hard every day, ensuring our facilities are ready for teaching and learning. Thank you for all you do, today and EVERY DAY!
4 months ago, PCSD #1
Thank you to our AMAZING PCSD #1 Custodial Staff! Mr. White, Mr hassler, mr. fluty, mrs. diaz, chelsea bates, nate bivens, delia carbajal, jan castro, sandra clark, joe copper, carl cottonware, felix flores, rosie gillett, elva gonzales, garrett hall, angel jones, larry ley, mark leyva, christina peterson, kim pratt, mitchell sleep, mary smalley martha wutzke, oct. 2, 2024
Now accepting applications for a full-time building custodian at Parkside Elementary. Please see our website for the full announcement and to apply. https://www.applitrack.com/park1/onlineapp/
5 months ago, PCSD #1
Now hiring Parkside Building Custodian, Full-time, 40 hours, benefit eligible, see our website for details and to apply
There will be no school and all Park County School District #1 buildings will be closed Monday, September 2, 2024. We look forward to seeing you Tuesday, September 3rd.
5 months ago, PCSD #1
ALL Park County School District #1 buildings/schools will be closed today (8/22/2024) from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for an all staff meeting. We are sorry for any inconvenience this might cause, buildings will be open after the meeting. Thank you!!
6 months ago, PCSD #1
closed sign
Join us in making a difference in the lives of our students and community. Apply today and become part of the Park County School District #1 family.
7 months ago, PCSD #1
job opening ad
New support staff vacancies; to apply go to our website; www.pcsd1.org
7 months ago, PCSD #1
Supply lists have been posted on elementary and middle school web pages since the last day of school. To find those go to the website, find your school page, click on Explore, and then expand the Admission or Enrollment tab. The supply list will be found there. We hope this is helpful as you start to get ready for the new school year. See you in August!
7 months ago, PCSD #1
Southside web page
Southside web page
PUBLIC NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOARD MEETING CANCELLATION The Board of Trustees of Park County School District #1, Powell, Wyoming, has canceled their regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., at the School Administration Building, 160 N. Evarts, Powell, Wyoming. Lillian Brazelton Clerk, Board of Trustees
8 months ago, PCSD #1
Support staff vacancies for the 2024-2025 school year have been opened for applications. Please see the employment page on our website for application instructions. www.pcsd1.org
8 months ago, PCSD #1
job opening ad
job opening ad
Just a reminder that tomorrow, June 7, 2024 is the first day of our Friday Summer Hours! The School Administration Building will observe the following hours through Friday, July 26, 2024: Monday-Thursday 7am-4pm, Friday 7am-1pm. The office will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024 in observance of Independence Day.
8 months ago, PCSD #1
notice of summer office hours, pcsd1 school administration building 160 north evarts st powell wy 82435.  effective Monday June 3 2024 through Friday, July 26, 2024, office hours fo the School Administration building will be as follows: Monday-Thursday 7am-4pm, Friday 7am-1pm.  The office will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024 in conjunction with the observance of Independence Day.